We have made some changes to the way the surgery collects urine samples for testing. The decision to make these changes was made following the analysis of research, best practice guidelines and infection control principals.
From now on:
all samples must be handed into reception (not put through the letterbox).
be in an appropriate sterile container (samples provided in glass jars or other receptacles will not be accepted).
in the case of suspected urine infections be accompanied by documentation of the symptoms. You can either complete the required proforma here or speak to the reception team, who will guide you through the information required.
To collect a clean urine sample you should:
label the container with your name, date of birth and date.
wash your hands.
wash your genitalia to avoid contamination.
start to urinate, but don't collect the first part of the urine that comes out.
collect a sample of urine "mid stream" in an appropriate sterile container.
screw the top of the container shut.
wash your hands thoroughly.
A copy of the proforma for a suspected Urinary Tract Infection can be obtained below: